MSF’s ‘A Refugee Camp in the Heart of the City’ exhibit in San Francisco October 15-19

by Jon Thompson on October 8, 2008

Jeff Allen wrote to let me know that our alma mater, Doctors Without Borders, will be exhibiting ‘A Refugee Camp in the Heart of a City’ October 15-19 in San Francisco’s Little Marina Green Park.

Jeff is an MSF Logistician and software developer on sabbatical somehwere in Europe.  He pens his thoughts here.  He’s right in emphasizing that friends and family should go and see this exhibit as few have any comprehension as to what we do and how we do it.  He also encourages others to attend and so do I.  Definitely, if you are anywhere near SF in two weeks be sure to check it out.  It only gets better with time and it helps to make clear what aid workers and the beneficiaries experience.  The exhibit is mobile and will also show in LA (Oct 22-27), Santa Monica (Oct 31-Nov 2) and San Diego (Nov 6-9).

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