From the monthly archives:

August 2008

Trouble is brewing in Georgia! No, not THAT Georgia.

by Jon Thompson on August 6, 2008

SPOT – plays well with Fire Eagle

by Jon Thompson on August 6, 2008

FortiusOne has acquired Mapufacture!

by Jon Thompson on August 5, 2008

Afrigadget – A much needed reality check

by Jon Thompson on August 5, 2008

SPOT + Fire Eagle + Twitter = no problem

by Jon Thompson on August 5, 2008

ThurayaIP Launched

by Jon Thompson on August 4, 2008

sStitch – A disaster reporting App for the iPhone

by Jon Thompson on August 4, 2008

Does Google Earth really cost $150 million a year?

by Jon Thompson on August 4, 2008

Test drive Ubuntu with Wubi

by Jon Thompson on August 3, 2008