‘Edgy Pak army braces for Indian assault’

November 30, 2008

The Hindustan Times has a front page article about the rising tensions between Pakistan and India.  It claims that the Pakistan Army is bracing for a potential Indian assault. When I read articles such as these my first inclination is to fire up Google Earth and try to visualize where, if such an attack were […]

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Cucku + Skype – free online back-up between Skype users

November 30, 2008

Cucku, a free, online social back-up tool has released a Skype Extra which allows Skype users to back-up their data with other Skype users.  All you need is a Skype account and the Extra which you can download here.  Given that Skype is the unsung hero of the humanitarian community this tool could prove useful […]

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Innovation in the Humanitarian Sector

November 30, 2008

Paul Currion over at humanitarian.info has undertaken the difficult task of trying to understand why innovation in the humanitarian sector is as evasive as it is essential.  We have an evil relationship with innovation and more often than not we fail to innovate at exactly those times when we should be doing so.  Classically, this […]

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‘OpenStreetMap grows, spawns ecosystem’

November 28, 2008

A guest author over at TechCrunch UK has written a great article about the rise of OpenStreetMap and businesses like CloudMade and Geofabrik that are sprouting up around it.  From the post: OpenStreetMap and the tools around it still have a very geeky feel, making it easy to be dismissive. Nevertheless, there is no disputing […]

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‘Google testing Picasa for Mac beta’

November 28, 2008

It looks like Techcrunch really did scoop the story earlier this year when they caught a Google employee admitting that they were developing Picasa for Mac.  AppleInsider has now learned that Google is internally testing the software but does not predict a release date.  From the write up: Long the domain of Linux and Windows […]

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Thanksgiving thought: Hydroponics as an aid tool?

November 27, 2008

Back in early 1994, during a year off from college, I found myself in the Eritrean village of Tio.  Tio is a beautiful little town on the Red Sea coast that lies equidistant between Asab and Massawa.  I had been riding on the back of a flat bed truck from the southern port city Asab […]

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MSF’s Condition: Critical

November 27, 2008

Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has launched a new initiative called Condition: Critical aimed at raising awareness of the situation in eastern Congo. The site has an incredibly moving slideshow with audio from the field and an informative narration.  As a father it is hard to watch.  I used to have thicker skin when […]

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Yep, I’m Twittering.

November 26, 2008

I have spent so much time writing about it but not actually Twittering.  Now you can find me under my blog name: aidworkerdaily I’ll see if I can manage to pump out a few Tweets on a regular basis.  Who knows?  Maybe I’ll become as addicted to Twitter as CNN’s Rick Sanchez. Tweet

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My Rock Star Brother

November 25, 2008

Showing the WordPress App to my bro over lunch.  Check out www.thechopshop.com. Tweet

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Tokbox – For those times when governments decide to shut down sites like Skype and Google Talk.

November 25, 2008

A good friend wrote to tell me about Tokbox.  He lives in the States but the government in his home country has implemented draconian measures and shut down site like Skype and Google Talk.  Here’ what he says: I used to use skype and google talk to communicate with my brother. But recently the [edited] […]

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