Opera Beta Offers Email “Low Bandwidth Mode”

September 11, 2008

Lifehacker has a story about Opera’s new browser featuring a “Low Bandwidth Mode”.  This could come in mighty handy for those of you stuck in the bush.  When is the rest of the world going to figure out that most of the world fights the low bandwidth battle every day.  From the post: A new […]

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WalkingHotSpot – Turn your mobile phone into a WiFi hotspot

September 11, 2008

Dailywireless has a story about turning your phone into a hotspot using Taproot Systems’ WalkingHotSpot.  From Sam’s write-up: Taproot Systems has launched WalkingHotSpot that transforms a smartphone with built-in WiFi to a mobile hotspot (FAQ). It can support up to five devices. WalkingHotSpot is currently available for Wi-Fi-enabled devices that use Symbian S60 and Windows […]

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‘Yammer Takes Top Prize At TechCrunch50’

September 11, 2008

TechCrunch‘s Erik Schonfeld writes that Yammer has taken top prize at TechCrunch50.  Yammer is Twitter for internal corporate communications.  Could this serve as a useful tool for aid agencies looking to disseminate information quickly and efficiently at the onset of an emergency?  Watch the VIDEO. Read on… Tweet

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Snappr.net – your ‘one stop shop’ for all your 2D barcode needs

September 10, 2008

Snappr.net is a very cool site which provides you with the tools to generate any type of 2D barcode you might need.  Not only does it allow you to generate the standard web codes, text codes and phone codes you can also create social codes for applications like Facebook and even image and music codes […]

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The NYT on Ubuntu’s latest – Jaunty Jackalope

September 10, 2008

The New York Times has a story in their Technology section on Ubuntu‘s latest development effort which they have named Jaunty Jackalope.  The full version won’t be released until April 2009 but I am sure we will start seeing Alpha’s and Beta’s in the coming months.  From the article: Microsoft has spent years battling an […]

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‘The meek shall inherit the web’

September 9, 2008

The Economist has an excellent write-up on the future of the Internet in developing countries and the innovation that will come out of those countries.  From the article: THE World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the body that leads the development of technical standards for the web, usually concerns itself with nerdy matters such as extensible […]

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Bihar Floods 2008 Blog

September 9, 2008

Indiawaterportal.org has set up a blog titled Bihar Floods 2008 to disseminate information about the flooding in India’s Bihar region.  There are some interesting posts, links and, more recently, Government of India maps of the flooding. Link Tweet

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Tikitags – RFID your world

September 9, 2008

Engadget has a story on Tikitags, the ultra-freindly RFID tags that allow you to link a teddy bear to your favorite song list.  I am not at all sure why anyone would want to do this but I do see some possibilities here when it comes to RFID tagging all those laptops, BGAN units, Thurayas, […]

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Could the Google/O3b deal signal the end of high latency problems in Africa and beyond?

September 9, 2008

Google, O3b and various investors have inked a deal to provide low cost, low latency Internet access to “the other 3 billion”.  I remember thinking, several years back, why doesn’t just think about launching it’s own satellites.  Hopefully, this development will prove fortuitous to the aid organizations working in these regions.  From the New York […]

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Is this an aid worker’s dream machine with pre-installed Ubuntu and built-in 3G?

September 5, 2008

It turns out that the new Dell Inspirion Mini 9 will not only be selling with Ubuntu pre-installed, for those of you who want it, but Gizmodo let’s us know that the new Dell ‘netbook’ will also be sporting an integrated 3G card! Read on… Tweet

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