iTrail – GPS tracking App for the iPhone 3G

August 13, 2008

For all of you with an iPhone 3G who want track your movements here is the App for you: iTrail. I know nothing about this application but it seems to mimic SportsTracker for Nokia phones with built-in GPS. The support page for the app can be found here.  Apparently, you can also export your tracks […]

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Tragic loss in Afghanistan

August 13, 2008

Four International Rescue Committee Aid Workers Killed in Afghanistan 13 Aug 2008 – Four International Rescue Committee aid workers were killed this morning in an ambush in Logar Province in Afghanistan.They include three international staff members, all women – a British-Canadian, a Canadian and a Trinidadian American – and an Afghan driver.  Another Afghan driver was critically […]

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The NYT’s John Markoff on the cyberattacks that crippled Georgian networks

August 13, 2008

Before the Gunfire, Cyberattacks By JOHN MARKOFF Published: August 12, 2008 Weeks before bombs started falling on Georgia, a security researcher in suburban Massachusetts was watching an attack against the country in cyberspace. Jose Nazario of Arbor Networks in Lexington noticed a stream of data directed at Georgian government sites containing the message: “win+love+in+Rusia.” Read […]

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Missing Georgia data sets explained by Google Maps/Earth team

August 13, 2008

One thing I love about the folks over at Google (specifically the folks on the Google Earth team) is that they will listen to what you have to say and let you know what they think.  Dave Barth over at Google LatLong has posted a response to the quips and jabs his team received when […]

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Yahoo’s Fire Eagle now available to the public

August 12, 2008

Over at TechCrunch, Jason Kincaid has a nice big write-up on the public release of Yahoo’s Fire Eagle. SPOT was offering Beta invites but it looks like those will no longer be needed.  If you are looking for things to do with Fire Eagle and you own a SPOT be sure to read about how […]

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Russia ‘ends Georgia Operation’ – BBC

August 12, 2008

According to the BBC Russia has ordered an end to military operations against Georgia.  However, there are a few lines further down the page that stand out, According to a Kremlin statement, Mr Medvedev told his defence minister and chief of staff that “the goal has been attained”. “I’ve decided to finish the operation to […]

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‘The Much Anticipated DataCase Launches: Turn the iPhone Into A Wireless Drive’ – TechCrunch

August 12, 2008

TechCrunch is reporting that you can now turn your iPhone into a wireless drive using DataCase.  Michael Arrington states, I’ve been testing it and it works, for the most part (I’m having trouble re-connecting after closing it down and re-opening). Definitely worth the $7. Any business user will want to download this immediately. One cool […]

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Google never posted map data for Georgia. Will they?

August 12, 2008

It has now been confirmed by a number of folks at Google that they never published the map data for Georgia.  I sincerely appreciate all of you taking the time to tap your sources and clarify this issue.  Coming on the heels of yesterdays Gmail outage I think suspicions were heightened given the current cyber […]

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Why have all the roads and cities in Georgia disappeared from Google Maps and Google Earth?

August 12, 2008

Someone named pluke over at Reddit just made the very astute observation that all roads and cities in the country of Georgia have disappeared from Google Maps.  When I fire up Google Earth, sure enough, there are no roads and no cities.  The same is true for Armenia and Azerbaijan. Let the wild speculation begin. […]

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US-based IT jobs in the humanitarian sector! Take a look!

August 11, 2008

My guess is that some of you might be looking for opportunities with aid agencies here in the US, specifically in the IT sector.  Well, it turns out that right now there are a number of posts open.  Let’s try and fill ’em up so that we can keep those networks running at peak performance […]

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