The best 1:12 on YouTube

May 30, 2009
Thumbnail image for The best 1:12 on YouTube

The next day he was shot. Tweet

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Fine tuning the flow of Twitter data – like drinking beers and talking engines

May 26, 2009

Given that we just launched our own in house Twitter tool  called CipCip which based on the Laconica platform I thought it might be interesting to post this TechCrunch article which was written by Yammer CEO David Sacks.  Yammer is the hosted version of Laconica.  While I think Yammer is a great idea the problem […]

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Introducing CipCip – Twitter for aid workers

May 25, 2009

I am a pretty proud papa for today we gave birth to CipCip which, I believe, is the world’s first humanitarian microblog.  (Now, I may be dead wrong about the last bit but I haven’t heard anything to prove me wrong and besides you always think you kid is the cutest!)  CipCip is our very […]

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Jeff doesn’t like URL shorteners

May 24, 2009

After my last gush about and microtrends, etc. I got a hand slap from Jeff: URL shortners will contribute to the already ephemeral nature of the web. They are not a good idea. The whole limited characters thing of Twitter is not actually a good idea. Perhaps stylistically it is, so maybe twitter’s UI […]

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Basically, no one is in charge

May 24, 2009

It is really hot in Rome today. Summer has arrived in full force and I am sure it will get even worse. I am thinking that an AC unit might be needed if we are going to make it through the summer. I just joined a gym not far from my place that has a […]

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May 10, 2009

This is what happened on my street today.  There was a build up of gas in an apartment across the street followed by a massive explosion.  Two people were killed and several hurt.  Very sad. Tweet

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Microrallying – almost around the world in 26 minutes

May 5, 2009

I have been working with microblogs lately and the various tools they employ to get the job done.  While Twitter, Laconica and Twhirl are my stand out favorites I have recently become enamored with URL shortening tools like  I really had no idea how much potential lay hidden within those scrunched up little URL’s […]

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Why there is no glory in being a logistician

May 3, 2009


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Why crowdsourcing Twitter will never, ever work

May 3, 2009


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Finally, a Twitter app for Thuraya satellite phones

April 24, 2009

When you live in a very quiet Italian village even Friday nights are dull.  Well, not dull just very, very serene.  If local kids got caught drag racing their mopeds down the streets of my village they would be so embarassed…well, you get the idea. All those quiet hours make for a very active mind.  […]

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