‘Portable VSAT Does WiMAX’

October 17, 2008

Sam Churchill over at Dailywireless.org has a write-up on portable VSAT units and WiMAX that segues into a bit on low power portable wireless communication units for use in disaster situations.  Not sure about the video but Sam always has some good material.  From the article: Their solution looks like two 40 watt Polycrystalline panels […]

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‘Satellites? Are they nuts?’

October 16, 2008

The Economist has a story on the wisdom of o3B‘s plan to launch Medium Earth Orbit satellites in order to provide backhaul for mobile providers in emerging markets.  The project received funding from Google a few months back.  From the article: A new satellite-broadband system hopes to succeed where others failed MAKING a big, risky […]

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‘OLO to turn your iPhone into a laptop’

October 15, 2008

Here’s one for all of you road warriors.  Snap in your iPhone into OLO and you have a laptop.  From the DVICE write up: The iPhone, when you think about it, is really more of a handheld computer than a phone. Sure, it can make phone calls, but any phone can do that. What makes […]

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A great way to find a humanitarian job

October 15, 2008

ReliefWeb has pulled through with a killer new application for finding humanitarian jobs.  Gone are the days of scrolling through their job listings.  Now you can just click on their map and the postings pop-up as balloons.  There is also a Google Earth KML file for those of you that want to download the latest […]

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Ushahidi – Crowdsourcing Crisis Information

October 15, 2008

In spite of my grumpiness and swearing off of all things IT there are still projects and people out there that warrant attention.  Ushahidi is a site that aggregates crisis information in Kenya and South Africa.  It got it’s start during the Kenyan election violence earlier in the year.  It seems that it has evolved […]

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Aid Worker Daily on Alltop

October 15, 2008

Guy Kawasaki‘s news aggregation site Alltop now has all the latest and greatest from Aid Worker Daily.  Alltop is very clean and a great one stop shop for news via subject.  My only concern is that we’re listed under ‘human rights’ rather than ‘humanitarian’ (as you can see above).  Hopefully, as the subjects fill out […]

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Two good primer videos about ‘cargotecture’

October 14, 2008

I found these two videos over at Firmitas.org, a site which aims to be the clearing house for shipping container architectural design.  The first one covers a group of metal artists in nearby Berkeley that have converted their containers into work spaces.  I remember the hubbub from a few years ago when they had to […]

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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s RX Box

October 14, 2008

This is the kind of stuff I love.  I knew I had seen these photos in the past couple of years and now I am thrilled that I have come across a brief write-up which outlines the evolution of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute‘s RX Box (a.k.a – ‘Doc-in-a-Box’).  Apparently, back in 2004 Laurie Garrett at the […]

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Shipping containers and the aid industry

October 13, 2008

No that I have purged most of the vitriol from my system I thought I should start talking about what I see as a solution and stop focusing on what I consider to be the problems.  Recently, I have become fascinated by the advancements coming out of the world of shipping containers specifically the ability […]

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‘Shipping Lines Sail Uncertain Seas’

October 12, 2008

Here is sobering piece from the WSJ that covers a subject that actually has some bearing on the well being of individuals in the developing world.  Truth About Trade & Technology has reproduced in full a WSJ article about the drop in the cost of shipping goods around the world.  This is good news for […]

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