Wikimedia by moulin

August 20, 2008

For those of you currently working in French, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese and Persian speaking countries this site might be of interest to you.  Wikimedia by moulin is an attempt to bring WIkimedia knowledge to people in developing countries.  If you have staff that speak any of the languages served by moulin they might find it […]

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How to embed Google Maps directions in a 2D barcode

August 20, 2008

First, you’ll need an iPhone and access to a computer. Next, download a reliable 2D barcode reader from the App store.  I have been using the NeoReader and it seems to work well. Select your route in Google Maps.  I have chosen a route between Marin Coffee Roasters (great coffee) and The Crucible (great welding […]

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Nokia provides Lonely Planet maps on cell phones – AP

August 19, 2008

The AP is running a story on how Nokia and Lonely Planet are teaming up to provide the latter’s maps on the former’s handsets.  If you happen to be in Lonely Planet’s Top 100 tourist destinations and don’t mind shelling out 7.99 euros ($11.75) dollars for each map (ouch!) then this story is right up […]

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2D barcodes and why they might prove useful to aid workers

August 19, 2008

Some of you probably cannot figure out why I keep harping on 2D barcodes as a resource for humanitarian aid workers.  For those of you who have no idea what 2D barcodes even look like: They are a way of compiling up to 1/2 page worth of information into a postage stamp sized, mobile phone […]

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Inmarsat-4 F3 ready for launch

August 18, 2008

While this may not be of major interest to most folks working in the field it will interest those who are currently stationed in Oceania and SE Asia.  The third and final Inmarsat satellite is scheduled to launch on August 19th and will complete Inmarsat’s efforts to cover the earth.  It will add overlap coverage […]

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ThurayaLocate – Locate Thuraya users in Google Maps or Virtual Earth

August 18, 2008

Thuraya has launched a new service called ThurayaLocate which allows you to track the position of any Thuraya phone in Google Maps and Virtual Earth.  I am thrilled that Thuraya has decided to enter the geolocation fray.  This product could prove a serious challenger to the app I have been helping the InSTEDD team with […]

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Some data now available for Georgia in Google Earth

August 18, 2008

It seems that the folks on the Google Earth team have been burning the midnight oil to get those data sets out for Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.  Last week we posted a story about the missing data along with a request for the Google Earth team to update their maps.  The team responded explaining that […]

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Telecommunications update from Tbilisi

August 16, 2008

A friend of mine who is currently in Tbilisi was kind enough to answer a few questions for me.  To summarize: The mobile phone networks are working fine in Tbilisi. Magticom is the preferred network provider as it has the best coverage. No news on how the networks are functioning in South Ossetia. My friend […]

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WikiMe – New iPhone App makes those long lonely jetlagged nights in foreign hotels more interesting

August 15, 2008

For $0.99 why wouldn’t you buy and App that makes that endless jetlagged wait from 2am-6am more bearable?.  Or, when you’re sitting in Frankfurt why not figure out what is just beyond the treeline.  I know I could have used a little information during my layovers.  WikiMe is an App that pulls up Wikipedia geo-tagged […]

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When good intentions collide – Impact of the USAID road project in Aceh

August 15, 2008

The Guardian has a great article titled: Indonesia: Aceh villagers face homelessness again – in name of tsunami aid from US government where they detail the destruction of homes that were erected by charities after the 2004 tsunami in order to make way for a new USAID funded road project from Banda Aceh to Meulaboh. […]

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