Google Earth and the case for ‘clickable countries’ (cont.)

July 18, 2008

Rich Treves over at Google Earth Design takes a shot at solving the bandwidth crunch issue and responds to my initial write up with his post ‘DVD of Data Shipped to the Field‘.  I sincerely appreciate Rich taking the time to address some of the issues that arise from the notion of ‘clickable countries’ . […]

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2D Bar Codes and humanitarian logistics

July 17, 2008

The 2D bar code or QR Code at left was created by the folks over at Wikipedia.  The welcome note to the left of the code is contained within the matrix of the design.  According to some folks I met last weekend at FooCamp up to 1/2 page of information can be stored within a […]

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Google Earth and the case for ‘clickable countries’

July 14, 2008

I have been harping on this for some time and finally decided to lay out why I think it makes some sense for Google to consider making ‘clickable countries’ an option in Google Earth.  In the world of the aid worker communications bandwidth is the single most important factor.  We pay more for bandwidth than […]

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FooCamp – After the fire

July 14, 2008

Well, I made it.  After driving back and forth numerous times to the O’Reilly campus in Sebastopol I am now back in Marin and reflecting on what an incredible time I had at FooCamp.  Here is the Wikipedia definition of FooCamp which is fitting as I found myself at one point talking to Wikipedia’s founder […]

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July 11, 2008

I am off to FooCamp in a few hours.  With the Friday traffic on 101 getting worse and worse every year I think I’ll stick to backroads and enjoy the scenery.  I can’t leave quite yet as I have iBricked my wife’s iPhone and I am stuck here until it is restored. It should be […]

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Cradlepoint MBR1000 Mobile Broadband Router

July 11, 2008

I promised a review of a Cradlepoint product and so here it is. I recently had the opportunity to set-up a Cradlepoint MBR1000 Mobile Broadband Router for use on a 46′ Nordhavn in Florida.  The owner wanted a wireless network onboard and the ability to print from his laptop from anywhere on the boat.  We […]

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MozyPro Update

July 11, 2008

I pitched MozyPro a few posts back as a viable back-up tool for field workers.  Everything was running smoothly until I closed the account it was charging to and opened a new one.  That is when the trouble began.  Every time I called the (877)MozyPro I actually received an “All circuits are busy” recording.  (I […]

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Where 2.0

June 3, 2008

I watched a great presentation at Where 2.0 by Jesse Robbins and Mikel Maron about disaster tech. Jesse is a champion of what works and what doesn’t and is part of the team over at O’Reilly Radar. I first had the pleasure of meeting Jesse after watching him dismantle a well meaning (but totally off-base) […]

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$1500 for a SIM card in Myanmar!?

May 19, 2008

So latest news is that aid workers are being charged $1500 for a SIM card in Myanmar and that network is confined to Yangon and Mandalay(?). Also, sat comms are verboten. Can anyone add to this? UPDATE:  Check out the comments below.  Also, here is the link to MPT’s Mobile Communications Department Tweet

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May 13, 2008

Stefan Geens over at has an interesting post on a new service. provides users with coordinates and settings for proper alignment of their satellite television dish. I am wondering how useful this would be for those of us with VSAT units? Tweet

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